Winx Club: The World of Communication
Welcome to Winx Club: The World of Communication!


Warm welcome to you from our fellow members and myself! I would like you to login using the link given above!

Though we have loads of strict rules, please be happy and feel free to ask ANY SORTS of questions in our Help section! Also, I hope we all can be united and we shall not break any rules as it may affect other user's feelings. I hope you understand!

Scroll around our forum! From games to Winx Club. And from chatting to asking! You can do anything here! ^.^

From this point, we shall be together always so that our forum shall be known by all Winx fans!

I hope you will enjoy yourself here!

Forum Administrator & Advisor,

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Winx Club: The World of Communication
Welcome to Winx Club: The World of Communication!


Warm welcome to you from our fellow members and myself! I would like you to login using the link given above!

Though we have loads of strict rules, please be happy and feel free to ask ANY SORTS of questions in our Help section! Also, I hope we all can be united and we shall not break any rules as it may affect other user's feelings. I hope you understand!

Scroll around our forum! From games to Winx Club. And from chatting to asking! You can do anything here! ^.^

From this point, we shall be together always so that our forum shall be known by all Winx fans!

I hope you will enjoy yourself here!

Forum Administrator & Advisor,
Winx Club: The World of Communication
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Hey all non-members! Please register in the Forum!! Each member will receive a beautiful signature once they register!! Thank you!! ^^

This Is Cool Xenna ......Hey every1 <3

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This Is Cool Xenna ......Hey every1 <3 Empty This Is Cool Xenna ......Hey every1 <3

Post  Xenna X_D Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:18 pm

Hi guys.....I am Xenna and I'm from the original winxclub site Very Happy This Is Cool Xenna ......Hey every1 <3 787345
Xenna X_D
Xenna X_D

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-12-13
Age : 26
Location : Goa,India

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This Is Cool Xenna ......Hey every1 <3 Empty Re: This Is Cool Xenna ......Hey every1 <3

Post  kylie Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:23 pm

I'm Kylie from the original winx site! Welcome! BTW, what a huge pic you got!

Posts : 6
Join date : 2011-11-14
Location : Malaysia

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